Why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy? Isaiah 55 :2

The Word of God is indeed the Bread of Life

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The Word of God is indeed Bread of Life to satisfy the hungry soul. Discover what others have found in searching through the Bible

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Why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy? Isaiah 55 :2

The Word of God is indeed the Bread of Life

Order a FREE Bible today

The Word of God is indeed Bread of Life to satisfy the hungry soul. Discover what others have found in searching through the Bible

Free Bible to all, Free, Books, Order free, Bread of Life, Free Books, Free Bibles, Tanach, New Testament, New Covenant

Who Are We

BREAD OF LIFE is an Israeli non-profit organization founded in 1985.

The purpose of the organization is promote, explain, teach and further the knowledge of God and of His Messiah by means of the distribution of the Holy Scriptures, which are the Tanach and the New Testament.

"Jesus said: I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will not hunger and he who believes in Me will thirst no more."
John 6:35

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  • This service is only available in Israel.
  • This service is only available to those over the age of 18 years.

Why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy? Isaiah 55 :2

The Word of God is indeed the Bread of Life

Order a FREE Bible today

The Word of God is indeed Bread of Life to satisfy the hungry soul. Discover what others have found in searching through the Bible

Free Bible to all, Free, Books, Order free, Bread of Life, Free Books, Free Bibles, Tanach, New Testament, New Covenant

Why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy? Isaiah 55 :2

The Word of God is indeed the Bread of Life

Order a FREE Bible today

The Word of God is indeed Bread of Life to satisfy the hungry soul. Discover what others have found in searching through the Bible

Free Bible to all, Free, Books, Order free, Bread of Life, Free Books, Free Bibles, Tanach, New Testament, New Covenant

Why do you spend money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy? Isaiah 55 :2

The Word of God is indeed the Bread of Life

Order a FREE Bible today

The Word of God is indeed Bread of Life to satisfy the hungry soul. Discover what others have found in searching through the Bible

Free Bible to all, Free, Books, Order free, Bread of Life, Free Books, Free Bibles, Tanach, New Testament, New Covenant